
Below is a calendar of archived events the society has held since they began being posted online in 2012. archive
Additional event detail and reports are available to members in our Proceedings and the society library or by request.

12 Feb

An update on geological investigations to underpin development of the UK GDF * PLEASE NOTE NEW MEETING ARRANGEMENTS*

Wednesday, 12 February, 2025    
Speaker: Dr David Schofield *Please note that there's been a change to the meeting arrangements.* This meeting will now be held via Microsoft Teams. You [...]
22 Jan

Geology of the Hebrides *PLEASE NOTE REVISED DATE*

Wednesday, 22 January, 2025    
Speaker: Dr Con Gillen Zoom meeting. Opens 19:20, 10 minutes before the scheduled event start time. Dr Con Gillen did a structural geology PhD at [...]
11 Dec

Larvikite – a Unique Norwegian Rock

Wednesday, 11 December, 2024    
Crosthwaite Parish Rooms
Speaker: Alan Smith Larvikite is the popular name for a group of igneous rocks from the Larvik area  of S E Norway. In its polished [...]
13 Nov

The Brigham Smelter in Keswick - Is this the Most Important Historic Industrial Site in Britain?

Wednesday, 13 November, 2024    
Speaker: Mark Hatton, (Cumbria Amenity Trust Mining History Society)   Zoom meeting. Opens 19:20, 10 minutes before the scheduled event start time In the year [...]
09 Oct

Exploring the evidence for Snowball Earth in Scotland and the North Atlantic region: a tale of Late Precambrian ice ages

Wednesday, 9 October, 2024    
Crosthwaite Parish Rooms
Outline: This talk examines how the concept of global glaciation in Late Precambrian (Neoproterozoic) time has evolved over the past century and more, culminating in [...]
28 Sep

Marginalia of the Northumberland-Solway Basin in North Cumbria and Scotland

Saturday, 28 September, 2024    
Leader: Steve Rozario 2024 CGS Excursion Register Solway Basin 2024 CGS Event Information Solway Basin This excursion is based on the BGS publication “Geology in [...]
25 Sep

The basal unconformity of the Carboniferous-Upper Devonian, Northwest England

Wednesday, 25 September, 2024    
Crosthwaite Parish Rooms
Speaker, David Boote In 1788 James Hutton first recognised the importance of 'deep time'  when studying a mid-late Devonian unconformity at Siccar Point, SE Scotland - shattering [...]
16 Sep

Wrynose to Blea Tarn The Langdale Caldera Margin

Monday, 16 September, 2024    
Blea Tarn National Trust Car Park
Leader: David Haselden • Meet at the Blea Tarn National Trust Car Park (NT on map) (NY 2956 0432) to consolidate car use, discuss the [...]
14 Aug

Basic geology for beginners in Mungrisdale Quarry

Wednesday, 14 August, 2024    
Mungrisedale Quarry
Leader: Fi Harwood Basic geology at Mungrisdale School House Quarry; local fieldwork experience for beginners. Quarry is approx. 60 metres from road. Ground is fairly [...]
10 Aug

Warton Sands and Trowbarrow

Saturday, 10 August, 2024    
Layby Oppsite Cotestones Farm
Leader: Duncan Woodcock Trowbarrow Quarry is located on the Silverdale Disturbance, a narrow belt of steeply dipping Carboniferous rocks in a region of otherwise very [...]
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