
Access to the Society’s Library

Cumbria County Council are planning to do extensive alterations to the Library and the Archive Center in Whitehaven. Due to this decision we must move out of the library and find a new location but up to now no new location has been found. The CGS library has now closed and most of the books that are on the data base have been boxed and distributed to the members that have room to store them.  There are still some that must be catalogued and put into the data base.  I hope to continue with this task before we are told to evacuate the building.

We have been using this facility at Whitehaven library for many years and have a very good working relationship with the staff.  Also, it’s free of any charges!

All the best.

David W Powell


Late in 1965 it was announced that a Society Library had been established, starting with a nucleus of books presented by Tom Eastwood (formerly Geological Survey Geologist in West Cumbria). The collection was organised by Morley Burton, who became the first Society Librarian. At first, the collection was quite modest – considerable runs of a number of journals, 25 bound volumes and 30 miscellaneous pamphlets and maps. A catalogue was produced listing the collection (below).

Library Proceedings CatalogueSince those early days the collection has grown enormously. A permanent space on the upper floors of Whitehaven Public Library continues to provide a home for this valuable facility. Over the years numerous bequests have been received so that today the collection is undoubtedly the most comprehensive geological collection in the County.
By 1967 membership had grown to 265, including many institutional members. Attendance at Lectures and field meetings was strong. The Proceedings in the late 1960’s record not only details of the lecture meetings, film evenings, camping weekends and field excursions but also the advent of speakers coming from outside the Society and the first publication of papers on Cumbrian geology and geomorphology. The Society had established an identity as a regional geological society.


The society endeavours to keep abreast of latest research, technologies, and geological developments relevant to the region and does try to maintain an up to date library, almost entirely reliant on membership funding.  If you have a publication you would like to loan or donate to the society please contact our librarian on the details above.