The Society

Comprises of members and a council elected from its members.

The council

The society and council is governed by the President.  The President can hold office for no more than two successive years, unless no suitable candidate can be found then the President may be elected to serve an additional year.


We have positions on the council available and welcome new persons. Roles are not arduous, requiring a few hours per month. If you believe you can contribute, please do get in touch.

The council currently consists of the following members:

President(s)Phil Davies & Helen James
Senior Vice PresidentVacant
Junior Vice PresidentBen Johnson
TreasurerFiona Harwood
Excursion SecretaryPeter Sapsford
Lecture ProgrammeVacant
PublicityLesley Wornham
General SecretaryVacant
The Cumberland Geologist EditorIan Francis
AuditorTony Rigby
Membership SecretaryBen Johnson
Geo-Conservation OfficerHelen James
Website OfficerBen Johnson
Members of CouncilSteve Rozario, Danny Clark-Lowes, Rosemary Vilder