Below is a calendar of archived events the society has held since they began being posted online in 2012. archive
Additional event detail and reports are available to members in our Proceedings and the society library or by request.
With the emergence of a new Covid variant, considered advice from scientists most concerned with the pandemic, and concern about the nature of the venue [...]
Dr Schillereff, Lecturer in Physical Geography, Kings College London All meetings at 7.30 and are on zoom unless otherwise indicated Joining details will be notified [...]
Etna: A virtual field trip of this active volcano Dr Margaret Hartley, Senior Lecturer, Manchester University All meetings at 7.30 and are on zoom unless [...]
Dear Sir or Madam, We are pleased to invite you and your organisation’s members to an upcoming Yorkshire Geological Society conference convened in partnership with [...]
Shap Granite: geology, origin and celebrity Dr Nigel Woodcock All meetings at 7.30 and are on zoom unless otherwise indicated Joining details will be notified before [...]
This will be the last excursion of our season and is a short evening stroll. Tuesday 7 September 6.15 pm. Leader Phil Davies Meet outside [...]
SATURDAY 21 AUGUST FELL END CLOUDS, RAVENSTONEDALE Leader Sylvia Woodhead Meet at 10.30 am at Fell End Quarry on The Street just off A683, NY [...]
WEDNESDAY 4 AUGUST WATCH HILL, COCKERMOUTH Leader Phil Davies Meet at 6.00 pm Cockermouth School lay by/car park, western end, NY 130310 We will examine [...]
SUNDAY 18 JULY CAUSEY PIKE Leader to be confirmed. Easy, lower half day or continue for a strenuous full day. Meet at 10.00 am at [...]
WEDNESDAY 7 JULY AN EVENING AROUND POOLEY BRIDGE Leader John Rogers Meet at 6.00 pm in the Dunmallard car park by the riverside NY 469245. [...]