Below is a calendar of archived events the society has held since they began being posted online in 2012. archive
Additional event detail and reports are available to members in our Proceedings and the society library or by request.
Leader: David Kelly This is a joint excursion with the OUGS The geology and old mines of the Coal Measures and Permo-Triassic south and west [...]
Exploring the ophiolite complex and associated country rocks with Con Gillen. This event is Fully booked The rendezvous is at Balcreuchan Port on the seaward [...]
Leader: Dave Hasleden Joint CGS/WGS trip Meet at Blea Tarn National Trust Car Park NY 2956 0432 Field Itinerary 2024 WGS -CGS Joint Crinkle Crags [...]
Leader: Sylvia Woodhead Meet 10.30 am at the CWT car park at Smardale NY 742 083. CGS members assisted with an earlier version of this [...]
Mary Mount Hotel, Keswick Sunday 17th March 2024 Due to low numbers this social will now consist of a Sunday lunch at one of the restaurant dining [...]
Presentation by: Dr. Ian Jackson Recently retired as Head of Operations and Director of Information at the British Geological Survey Harvey Davies Room at Braithwaite [...]
Portinscale Village Hall by Christine Arkwright The Lake District is rich in natural resources, particularly minerals, which have been exploited over many years. These include [...]
Wednesday 7th February 2024. At 19.30 Meeting opens 10 minutes before. Zoom link: (Telephone options at the end of the event details) Prof. Tim [...]
Dr. Ruth Siddall University College London On Zoom Meeting Opens 10 minutes before the event. Zoom link: Outcrops to Paintbox, mineral pigments in artists [...]
Lecture: Prof Hazel Rymer (OU) "Iceland is a fascinating country and its volcanoes are always exciting, even when they aren't erupting. I'll talk about the [...]