CGS: Next event, geological mapping

When: 10.30am, 13th September

Where: Linewath, north of Mungrisedale. Meet at the minor road junction NY 352 344.

Who: The day will be coordinated by Alan Smith.

The aim of this field work project is to examine, measure and map the details of a puzzling linear topographical feature and record the characteristics of the pebble deposits exposed in a quarry feature on the ridge.

It is likely this will take until mid afternoon, so please bring packed lunch and usual weather protection as this is a very exposed site. Short walk across rough grass. Please bring a GPS, calculator and measuring tapes (long metric ones) if possible. Maps, recording sheets, and other field material will be provided. If the work is completed by lunchtime, there could be the option of a very short walk to look at some nearby features for about an hour afterwards (weather and enthusiasm permitting). We should finish by about 3pm. Easy terrain.