CGS Field Trip to Smardale Gill Nature Reserve. On Sunday 23rd August 2015
16 enthusiasts enjoyed a sunny day at Smardale Nature Reserve. The leader, Sylvia Woodhead, explained the complex river capture in the upper Lune and Eden catchments and the group then walked along the old railway line to examine the sandstones, and limestones and comment on Sylvia’s draft guide to the geology which is designed for the layperson. Flowers and butterflies competed for attention but some helpful comments were made and Sylvia hopes to distribute a second draft of the leaflet shortly. The limestones proved to be very fossiliferous with a range of corals observed with some colonies apparently in life position. The Ashfell Limestone was studied in the light of recent research. A fascinating day. A visit to Smardale Gill NNR & CWT reserve is strongly recommended.