News from the Library

Wishing you all a happy new year.

The Cumbria County Council are planning to do extensive alterations to the Library and the Archive Center in Whitehaven. Due to this decision we must move out of the library and find a new location but up to now no new location has been found. The CGS library has now closed and most of the books that are on the data base have been boxed and distributed to the members that have room to store them.  There are still some that must be catalogued and put into the data base.  I hope to continue with this task before we are told to evacuate the building.

We have been using this facility at Whitehaven library for many years and have a very good working relationship with the staff.  Also, it’s free of any charges!

I will be resigning from the council this year but will continue with the task of moving the library and cataloguing the books.

All the best.

David W Powell