Start: 0930h Meet at Bowder Stone National Trust car park, Borrowdale. NGR: NY 253 168
Phil Davies
Additional Excursion Material (please note, printed copies will not be available on the day of the excursion)
CGS Excursion Notes Jaws of Borrowdale
Risk Assessment
CGS Risk Assessment Jaws of Borrowdale 2023
A 6.5 mile Lakeland hike in a classically scenic area with geological interest at points along the way. The route traverses Borrowdale Volcanics terrain as well as Skiddaw Group (Buttermere Formation) around Grange. The itinerary is based on, but not identical to the Borger Dalr geology walk suggested by the National Trust . Attendees will have the option to visit the top of Castle Crag (weather permitting). This entails a relatively steep section and some scrambly areas requiring particular care. The Borger Dalr itinerary is described online (and can be downloaded as a PDF). See: https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/visit/lake-district/borrowdale-and-derwent-water/borger-dalr-geology-walk