An Evening Around Pooley Bridge


Wednesday, 7 July, 2021    




Leader John Rogers

Meet at 6.00 pm in the Dunmallard car park by the riverside NY 469245.

The first part of this event will be a walking “treasure hunt” type exercise in the immediate area around the new bridge, followed up with a review of findings in a reserved seating area at Chestnut House in the village at 7 – 7.30 pm. Bring a pen and clip board or similar for your question sheet.

We intend to follow this up with a social event at a local inn similar to the end-of-season occasions we used to have before the pandemic. This will also be an opportunity to show our appreciation to two long serving CGS Council members who retired at this year’s AGM, namely Margaret Bennett (Treasurer) and David Powell (Librarian), both of whom have been invited. In order to secure dining space for our exclusive use at one of the village inns we will need to know who will be attending this part of the evening, which can be an addition to or a separate affair from the 6 – 7.30 part. Please let us know if you wish to be included for the evening meal so we can book somewhere at the earliest opportunity. Either e-mail John Rodgers at email hidden; JavaScript is required or phone/text message to Fiona Harwood on 07791752813 giving name(s) and contact details. We will issue more details about this directly and/or via the CGS website.