
At the moment we intend to proceed with the AGM at Cockermouth FMH on Wednesday 25th, and the President’s Address which will be “THE GEOLOGICAL EVOLUTION OF THE CANARY ISLANDS”.

There will be a Special General Meeting incorporated into the AGM to consider an amendment to the Constitution. In light of the current situation, there will be no refreshments served and we expect those attending to observe all the advice regarding dealing with the corona-virus.

If the situation dramatically changes we will postpone the meeting until appropriate and this will be publicised via the web-site. Members can also contact me on 01768 895743.

The planned social event mentioned in the newsletter i.e at Hundith Hill on April 8 is CANCELLED. Any cheques already sent will be returned.

There is no change planned for the Excursion Programme at the time of sending this message but as always, consult the web-site for any alteration.

On the positive side, the issue of our new-style publication “The Cumberland Geologist” (replacing the title Proceedings) is imminent and we hope will be available at the AGM.

John Rodgers