11 members and friends of the CGS travelled by ferry to stay at Melrose House, Douglas where we were given an introductory evening talk on the general geology of the island in its Plate Tectonic context by our leader for the week, Dr. Steve Crowley of Liverpool University and each issued with a detailed booklet of the locations to be visited in the next three days. isle of man
Tuesday 12 July The main theme of the day was the events of the Lower Palaeozoic including the Lower Ordovician Manx Group submarine fan deposits exposed in locations around the south coast, late Caledonian deformation and regional low-grade metamorphism, Foxdale Granite magmatism and contact metamorphism and base metal mineralization.
Wednesday 13 July This day dealt with basic magmatism, the contact zone between Manx Group and mid-Silurian Dalby Group turbidite meta-sediments, mid-Silurian sedimentology, late Caledonian deformation and regional low-grade metamorphism, and Lower Devonian fluvial sediments of the Pele Group.
Thursday 14 July Our main focus on this final day was the sedimentology and volcanology of the Lower Carboniferous carbonate-dominated succession exposed around the south coast in the Castletown area.
Apart from two short but intense showers on Wedneday afternoon we enjoyed good weather and visibility. We are indebted to Fiona Harwood for driving us around in the hired mini-bus, to Susan Beale for organising the visit and especially to Steve Crowley who constantly kept us informed and stimulated throughout a concentrated three-day period.