Interpreting the World’s geology via Google Earth
Dates: October 1st (14:30), November 5th (14:00), and December 3rd, (starting at 14h00)
Location: Portinscale Village Hall
Presenter:Â Clive Boulter
A series of three two-hour sessions on Saturday afternoons in October to December is planned to provide members with methodologies to investigate geology from around the world using the 3D capabilities of Google Earth. Topics include fold belts from places like Central Australia, Iran, Alaska, etc., faults large [San Andreas] to small [Somalia], intrusions including granites in Namibia, salt in the Persian Gulf, dolerite in far north Australia, shear zones big and small, and angular unconformities in a variety of settings. Google Earth allows tectonic scale studies such as the indenter tectonics of India colliding with Asia and has seafloor bathymetry to display sea floor spreading. The BGS have a layer for Google Earth which will be used in some more local studies. It is expected that most attendees will have a laptop to bring to the sessions as this is a hands-on exercise.
LOGISTICS: The dates are October 1st, November 5th, and December 3rd, starting at 14h00 except for the first session which starts at 14h30. Portinscale Village Hall is the venue. There is no charge for CGS members.
Please book a place with Clive Boulter [email hidden; JavaScript is required]. Twenty is our limit and if you miss out on a place you will be put on a reserve list. Also please state if you can bring a laptop. Sharing of laptops will be arranged if there are sufficient laptops for no more than two people to a single laptop.