Burtness Comb rock slope failure (Lateglacial rock avalanche)


Monday, 18 September, 2023    


Start: 10.00am at the cash pay-and-display car park at NY 195150, opposite Gatesgarth Farm (Buttermere). You will need about four £1 coins to pay.

Dr Peter Wilson, Ulster University

Itinerary: Initially a flat valley-floor walk of c.1 km from Gatesgarth Farm to Horse Close alongside Buttermere. Then a steep grassy slope up into Burtness Comb (c. 1 km and c. 400 m ascent). Once in the Comb the terrain becomes increasingly bouldery. The nature and source of the rock avalanche debris will be discussed and recently obtained surface exposure ages will be presented. Other features of geomorphological interest will also be discussed.

The rock avalanche is described in the following papers:

Clark, R. & Wilson, P. 2004. A rock avalanche deposit in Burtness Comb, Lake District, northwest England. Geological Journal 39, 419-430.

Wilson, P. & Jarman, D. 2013. The Burtness Comb rock avalanche, English Lake District: a rare case of rock slope failure – glacier interaction. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 124, 477-483.

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