Presentation by:
Dr. Ian Jackson
Recently retired as Head of Operations and Director of Information at the British Geological Survey
Harvey Davies Room at Braithwaite Institute
- Apologies for absence
- Minutes of the AGM 2023 and SGM23 May 2023
- Matters arising
- Presidents Report
- Treasurers Report and adoption of Accounts
- Election of Officers for 2023-2024
- Any other business
Officers of the Society
As you can see there are several vacancies, if you would like to serve on the Council in one of these roles, or as a general member please contact any member of Council before the AGM. this can be done through the Contact link on cumberland-geol-soc.org.uk
The nominations for 2024/25 are as follows.
Senior Vice President
Joint Presidents
Helen James and Phil Davis
Junior Vice President
Ben Johnson
Fi Harwood
Field Trip  Secretary
Helen James
Lecture Secretary
General Secretary
Proceedings editor
Ian Francis
Membership Secretary
Ben Johnson
Council Secretary
Rosemary Vidler
Website Officer
Ben Johnson
Council members
Lesley Wornham
Peter Sapsford
Steve Rozario
Susan Beale
Close of business will be followed by a talk by Ian Jackson of the BGS.