
Cumberland Geological Society constitution can be download or read below:


CONSTITUTION (as amended at 23 May 2023 Special General Meeting)

  1. NAME
    1.1. The Society shall be known as the Cumberland Geological Society
    hereinafter referred to as “The Society”.
    2.1. To promote and advance public knowledge and research in all aspects of
    geology and other allied sciences, particularly in the county of Cumbria and
    adjacent counties by such means as;
    • meetings;
    • excursions;
    • the production of proceedings and occasional publications;
    • the maintenance of a library;
    other charitable means as the Council shall from time to time decide,
    (including the Charles Edmonds Prize and the Angela Marchant Student
    2.2. To provide members of The Society and the general public with information
    on the activities of The Society and on earth sciences.
    2.3. To foster good relations with similar organisations.
    3.1. The Society shall aim to be governed by a Council consisting of: President,
    two Vice-presidents (the senior of whom shall be the immediate past
    president), Council Secretary, Treasurer, Field Trip Secretary, Lecture
    Secretary, Membership Secretary, The Cumberland Geologist Editor,
    Website Manager/Publicity Officer, Librarian and up to five ordinary
    members. A member of Council may hold more than one office. The role of
    President may be a job share.
    3.2. The President shall hold office for no more than two successive years. In the
    event of a successor not being available at the time of the Annual General
    Meeting, Council may elect the present incumbent for a further year.
    3.3. Council may from time to time co-opt other members to Council as
    3.4. The Council, of whom five shall form a quorum, shall meet whenever
    summoned by either the President, Council Secretary or Treasurer.
    3.5. lndicative responsibilities of officers are described in Appendix 1.
    4.1. Membership of The Society is open to any member of the general public.
    4.2. There shall be the following categories of membership;
    • Full members who shall be entitled to take full part in the life of The
    • Joint membership shall be open to two or more full members residing at
    the same address at an appropriate subscription. They shall receive
    jointly the proceedings, publications and notices of The Society.
    • Student members shall be in full time education at an institution
    recognised by the Society. They shall automatically transfer to full
    membership on 1
    st January following three years of student membership
    or on 1
    st January following any extension of studentship for which they will
    have provided a supervisors statement of such an extension. They shall
    enjoy the same privileges as ordinary members except that they shall pay
    a reduced subscription.
    • lnstitutional membership shall be open to any libraries, schools colleges
    or other institutions. Such institutions shall receive all proceedings,
    publications and notices of The Society, and have the use of The
    Society’s library.
    • Honorary membership will be awarded to any person who has rendered
    signal service to The Society, or is distinguished in the pursuit of the
    objects of The Society. Honorary members will be elected on the
    recommendation of Council and will enjoy all the privileges of full
    membership but without the obligation of paying an annual subscription.
    5.1. The Society’s year shall run from 1
    st January to 31st December.
    5.2. The level of annual subscriptions shall be decided at the preceding Annual
    General Meeting.
    5.3. The annual subscriptions shall become due on the first day of The Society’s
    5.4. Subscriptions received from members joining for the first time on or after the
    first day of September will extend over that year and the whole of the
    following year.
    5.5. Members whose subscription is in arrears on 28th February will be notified of
    this lapse.
    5.6. If a subscription has not been renewed by March 31st it will be deemed to
    have lapsed.
    5.7. Members may enter into Gift Aid declaration.
    6.1. The accounts of The Society shall be subject to annual audit. Audited annual
    accounts shall be presented by The Society’s Treasurer for approval, to the
    next Annual General Meeting.
    6.2. The auditor for the next financial year shall be appointed at the Annual
    General Meeting.
    6.3. Fund raising carried out in The Society’s name shall be subject to the
    approval of Council.
    6.4. Members may be reimbursed for any expenses incurred on behalf of The
    Society at the discretion of Council.
    7.1. There shall be an Annual General Meeting (AGM) every 12 months where
    7.2. Council for the coming year shall be nominated by the retiring Council and
    elected annually by a vote of those present at the AGM. The list of
    nominations shall be sent to all members with the notice of calling the AGM,
    at least two weeks prior to the AGM.
    7.3. Additional nominations to Council shall be invited from members of The
    Society, except for the offices of President and Senior Vice President,
    subject to the following conditions.
    a) the nominations must be received by Councilat least three weeks before
    the AGM.
    b) Each candidate must be proposed by anordinary member, who must state
    that the candidate has agreed to be nominated.
    7.4. A Special General Meeting may be called at any time at the request of
    Council or any twelve members, for a specific purpose. The
    CouncilSecretary shall notify members of the date, time and place of the
    meeting and the purpose for which it has been called. At least fourteen days’
    notice of such a meeting shall be given by Council.
    7.5. General Meetings shall be held either virtually or at venues in Cumbria.
    8.1. The fundis held in The Society’s accounts and vested in three trustees who
    shall be the President and two members of Council.
    8.2. The prize shall be awarded by the trustees from time to time, such as every
    three years or more frequently if the trustees so decide. It will be presented
    to the successful candidate at an appropriate meeting/occasion.
    8.3. Candidates for the prize shall be limited to students, who shall be natives of
    or residents in Cumbria at school, university or college or other institutions of
    full time education, who show special interest in geology and its allied
    disciplines; amateur geologists being members of the The Society, who have
    by their activities inside or outside The Society, helped to further the spread
    of knowledge of geology; any geologist, amateur or professional, who has by
    their researches made contributions to knowledge of geology of the northern
    English counties or who, being a native of Cumbria, has made contributions
    to geology in general.
    9.1. The fund is held in The Society’s bank accounts.
    9.2. A panel consisting of the President and Treasurer and two others appointed
    by Council shall make recommendations to Council regarding recipients of
    the awards and the criteria on which the recommendations are based.
    9.3. The frequency of awards shall be at the discretion of Council.
    9.4. Candidates for the award will apply in writing on an application form drawn
    up by Council.
    9.5. Candidates for the award shall be limited to: students who are residents of,
    or have strong connections with Cumbria, in full or part time education at an
    institution of further or higher education, who show special interest in geology
    and its allied disciplines; students who are studying or carrying out research
    in the northern counties of England.
    9.6. Successful candidates should provide The Society with an account of their
    use of the award either as a written account for publication or orally at an
    ordinary meeting held by The Society.
    10.1.The Council may, from time to time, make purchases of such moveable
    effects as books and equipment as they consider advisable for the proper
    running of The Society and they may also dispose of such effects by sale.
    11.1.The Society cannot accept liability for the costs of any damages, fire or theft,
    legal fees or injury incurred by the activities of individual members.
    11.2. Any member whose conduct is, in the opinion of Council, prejudicial to the
    interests of The Society may be removed from The Society by Council,
    provided that no member be so removed unless due notice has been sent,
    informing the person of the intention of Council to proceed against them, and
    of the nature of the charges made against the person. The person must also
    be given the opportunity to answer such charges and explain their conduct to
    the satisfaction of Council.
    12.1.The constitution of The Society may not be altered except at a General
    Meeting, for which fourteen days’ notice shall have been given and the full
    text of the proposed additions and/or alterations shall be announced in the
    newsletter, or notice calling the meeting. No further amendments may be
    proposed at the meeting.
    13.1.The Society shall not be dissolved except at a Special General Meeting
    summoned for this purpose. One month’s notice shall be given to all
    members and the resolution of dissolution shall require a majority of two
    thirds of the members present and voting, together with those who shall have
    communicated their views to the officers of The Society in writing. In case of
    dissolution of The Society, the property shall be presented to some
    charitable organisation concerned with geological research or other cognate
    objects of The Society.
    lndicative responsibilities of Officers
    President (may be a job share)
    To chair meetings of Council
    To preside at lecture and field meetings
    To be a member of the Charles Edmonds Prize Fund and Angela Marchant Student
    Bursary Fund panels
    Senior Vice-President
    To deputise for the President as necessary
    Junior Vice President
    To deputise for the President as necessary
    Council Secretary
    To ensure that Council and General Meetings are properly convened and agenda
    and minutes are produced
    To be responsible for the upkeep of The Society’s bank accounts
    To provide Council with regular financial statements regarding income, expenditure,
    bank balances and assets of The Society
    To prepare annual accounts and organize their audit
    To present annual accounts to Council and the AGM as described in section 7 above
    To advise Council on subscription levels
    To be a member of the Angela Marchant student Bursary Fund panel
    Field Trip Secretary
    To organise the programme of field visits and liaise with leaders
    To ensure that accounts of field visits are produced for inclusion in The Cumberland
    Lecture Secretary
    To organize the programme of lectures and liaise with lecturers
    To ensure that venues are booked for lectures
    To ensure that equipment is available for lecturers
    Membership Secretary
    To keep an up-to-date register of members
    To provide lists of members for other officers as necessary
    To correspond with members on membership issues as necessary
    The Cumberland Geologist Editor
    To organize the production and distribution of proceedings of The Society, The
    Cumberland Geologist (TCG)
    Website Manager/Publicity Officer
    To keep the Society’s website up to date
    To upload recordings of lectures and past Proceedings/TCGs
    To organize media publicity for Society activities
    To be the correspondent of the society
    To keep and up-to-date catalogue of the Society library
    To organize the lending of materials from the library for members